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Commonly referred to as "orthotics," are shoe inserts that are intended to adjust an abnormal, or irregular, walking pattern. They perform functions that make standing, walking and running more comfortable and efficient by altering the alignment between the foot and the lower leg.

Podiatrists at Bermuda Podiatry Centre prescribe the use of orthoses as a conservative approach to problems such as plantar fasciitis (arch pain), tendinitis and "runner's knee." Their use is a highly successful, practical form of treatment.

Orthoses are not truly or solely "arch supports" though some people use those words to describe them. Orthoses are medical devices that require a prescription and are custom-made by trained individuals. Podiatrists specialize in assessing and understanding the bio-mechanical faults of the foot and what is required to balance excessive pronation (collapsing in) and supination (rolling out) and reduce excessive forces that can lead to injury.

However, if you are prescribed orthoses by a podiatrist, in most cases they are successful in relieving, preventing and/or correcting the pain/problem for which they were prescribed. This is not the only treatment which will be prescribed for a condition as there will be other modalities used like manipulation, laser ,strapping ,taping and other advice used in conjunction.

Orthoses take various forms and are constructed of various materials. All are concerned with improving foot function and minimizing stress forces that could ultimately cause foot deformity and pain.

  • What is the difference between a Podiatrist and a Chiropodist?
    The name chiropody was changed to podiatry in 1993. Podiatry is the internationally recognised name for our profession. Podiatry is a constantly evolving profession, the extensive training given to students over the 3 or 4 years of their full time course and the continuing education after graduation ensures that podiatrists’ skills and knowledge remain current.
  • What are Biomechanical Assessments?
    Biomechanics is the study and analysis of gait and human movement. Podiatrists observe patients for any alterations in the optimum sequence of events between the foot, the lower limb, and the rest of the body during the walking (running, cycling, skiing etc) phase. Deviations from the optimum, can lead to heel pain, foot strain, ankle, knee, hip, lower back and neck pain.
  • What are Orthotics?
    A biomechanical assessment may indicate that you would benefit from wearing an orthotic. Orthotics are prescription insoles which stabilise the foot to hold it in the ideal position. Repositioning the foot alters the angles at which the foot strikes the surface. Wearing orthotics can improve corns and calluses, ankle sprains and knee, hip and back pain.
  • Do podiatrists treat sports injuries?
    Podiatrists treat sports injuries with various therapies; biomechanical assessment, orthotic prescription, muscle stretching exercises, strapping, advice for self-treatments. Where appropriate, referrals are made to Physiotherapists, Osteopaths, Chiropractors and Doctors.
  • Do podiatrists carry out Nail Surgery?
    Podiatrists perform nail surgery for patients with recurrent infections and pain, due to the nail in-growing. This is a long-term solution carried out under a local anaesthetic. Depending on the problem either the full nail or part of the nail on the affected side can be removed. After the nail is removed a chemical is applied to the nail matrix to prevent the nail regrowing.
  • Do podiatrists treat children?
    Yes, and generally children require podiatric treatment for gait problems, verruca and ingrown toenails.
  • Nail pathologies
    Podiatrists treat nail pathologies, such as fungal nail infections (a discoloured, brittle thickening of the nails), in-growing toenails and thickening of the nails (due to trauma or rubbing) and reduce corns from under the nail.
  • Help for Diabetic patients
    Education on the lower limb and the disease process of diabetes which can affect sensation, mobility, circulation and general foot structure. Annual Diabetic Foot Assessments are included for our diabetic patients.
  • Help for Arthritic patients
    Education is also provided for the client with Arthritis, regarding the effect it can have on the structure, function and comfort of the foot and relevant devices and footwear supplied, to maintain stability, comfort and mobility.
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